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School phobia, also called school refusal or school avoidance, is a form of severe anxiety associated with going to school. These anxieties and deep-seated fears are chronic, and they can incite extreme panic, stress, and worry.

School phobia isn’t just a phase that will pass; it is a real problem that persists for several weeks or more. It interferes with teens’ ability to participate in normal life. They might have trouble engaging in school, forming meaningful relationships, and living with a sense of purpose.

If an adolescent is demonstrating severe anxiety about going to school, it’s important to recognize this as a sign of school phobia and not truancy.

A student with school phobia will usually demonstrate physiological symptoms, such as vomiting, headaches, or diarrhea. They are also commonly smart and academically responsible.

Truant students, on the other hand, don’t fear school; instead, they show little interest in doing well in school and often sneak away to do something fun during school hours.

Factors Contributing to School Phobia

The causes of school phobia vary. Younger children might deeply crave the security of time spent with caregivers and suffer from separation anxiety. Adolescents might also suffer from separation anxiety.

A number of other factors could contribute to teens’ development of school phobia, such as:

  • Distressing events happening in school, such as bullying or shame

  • Death in the family

  • Divorce or marital struggles between parents

  • Re-entry into school after a long break or time off

  • Move or change in school

  • Problems socializing in school

  • Fear of imperfection (performance anxiety)

Students diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety or other conditions might experience school phobia at a higher rate than others.  Managing these conditions in a school setting can make the experience more challenging causing them to dislike and even fear going to school at a higher rate. 

Some parents find it helpful to enroll their children in ADHD private schools or a private school for kids with learning disabilities as an alternative method of treatment. 

School phobia commonly grows into school refusal, in which students’ anxieties and fears are so severe, that they refuse to attend school. The prospect of going to school might make students feel dizzy, sense back pains, or cry uncontrollably.

Anxieties can become so severe that they experience panic attacks or inflict harm upon themselves.

Frequent absences due to school refusal can damage their academic record, which can only complicate the problem more.


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